jeudi 25 avril 2013

My Mom is Trying to Ruin My Life

Par Kate Feiffer, illustré par Diane Goode, Simon & Schuster

«Everyone has only nice things to say about my mom. Everyone likes her. She looks nice. She bakes great cookies and makes me feel better when I have a bad day. But would a really nice mom do embarrassing things like kiss me in public and tell loud jokes that no one thinks are funny? Well, my mom does those terrible things and worse - that's why I am sure that I have the most embarrassing mom in the world and that my mom is trying to ruin my life... Or is she?»

Kate Feiffer tricote de sa plume cocasse et rafraîchissante une charmante historiette, rigolote à souhait, qui plonge le lecteur au coeur de l'enfance, de ses «grands drames» du quotidien et de sa perception délicieusement farfelue des adultes. À travers l'univers visuel aux traits spontanés et éloquents de Diane Goode, cet opuscule désopilant fera se bidonner toute la famille!

Lili lui donne: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

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