mardi 26 mars 2013

Boot & Shoe

Par Marla Frazee, Beach Lane Books

«Boot and Shoe were born into the same litter, and now they live in the same house. They eat out of the same bowl, pee on the same tree, and sleep in the same bed. But they spend their days apart-Boot on the back porch because he's a back porch kind of dog, and Shoe on the front porch because he's a front porch kind of dog. This is exactly perfect for them. But then a crazy neighborhood squirrel arrives . . . and everything goes topsy-turvy!»

Un petit délice croisé au hasard des rayons... Marla Frazee souffle au lecteur une tendre histoire d'amitié canine, narrant habilement l'essentiel, d'une plume cocasse, et ouvrant la porte d'un imaginaire sensible, à l'éloquence joyeusement ébouriffée. Un album mignon tout plein qui fait rigoler le coeur...

Lili lui donne: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

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