«The restorative power of the ocean brings Jane Austen and her beloved brother Henry, to Brighton after Henry's wife is lost to a long illness. But the crowded, glittering resort is far from peaceful, especially when the lifeless body of a beautiful young society miss is discovered in the bedchamber of none other than George Gordon-otherwise known as Lord Byron. As a poet and a seducer of women, Byron has carved out a shocking reputation for himself-but no one would ever accuse him of being capable of murder. Now it falls to Jane to pursue this puzzling investigation and discover just how "mad, bad, and dangerous to know" Byron truly is. And she must do so without falling victim to the charming versifier's legendary charisma, lest she, too, become a cautionary example for the ages.»
Non, définitivement, je ne me lasse pas de cette Jane Austen fictive, fine limière et auteure incognito... La série ne montre aucun signe d'essoufflement: je dirais même qu'elle s'est épanouie avec le temps. Encore une fois, l'intrigue est habile et fort prenante, et je l'ai dévorée goulûment jusqu'à la toute dernière page! Vivement le prochain tome!...
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