lundi 13 juin 2011

Lost and Found

Par Shaun Tan (et John Marsden pour le texte de The Rabbits), Arthur A. Levine Books

«A girl finds a bright spot in a dark world. A boy leads a strange, lost creature home. And a group of peaceful creatures cedes their home to cruel invaders. Shaun Tan, with his understated voice and brilliant draftsmanship, has proved that he has a unique imaginative window to our souls, and an unparalleled ability to share that opening with pictures and narratives that are as unexpected as they are deeply true. Originally published in Australia, these three beloved and acclaimed tales were never widely available in the U.S. Now for the first time, The Red Tree, The Lost Thing, and the John Marsden classic The Rabbits are presented in their entirety with additional new artwork and author's notes.»

Un autre voyage au coeur de l'étrange et du saugrenu, signé Shaun Tan. Trois opus éclectiques rassemblés en un album inoubliable. J'ai vogué avec délice à travers ces univers fascinants et sensibles, m'arrêtant au passage pour m'émerveiller de la finesse du sous-texte des illustrations. Un album qui même relu mille fois fera découvrir le monde singulier de Shaun Tan sous un jour nouveau et délectable.

Lili lui donne: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★   

Pour lire une des histoires en version française

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