jeudi 25 mars 2010

On reading

Par André Kertész, W.W. Norton & Company

«André Kertész (1894-1985) was one of the most inventive, influential and prolific photographers in the medium's history. This small volume, first published in 1971, became one of his signature works. Taken between 1920 and 1970, these photographs capture people reading in many parts of the world. Readers in every conceivable place—on rooftops, in public parks, on crowded streets, waiting in the wings of the school play—are caught in a deeply personal, yet universal, moment. Kertész's images celebrate the absorptive power and pleasure of this solitary activity and speak to readers everywhere. Both playful and poetic, On Reading is reissued with striking new duotone reproductions. Fans of photography and literature alike will welcome this classic.»

Recueil fascinant d'un obturateur curieux et passioné par les livres et ceux qu'ils ensorcellent sans crier gare... Un sympathique voyage à travers plusieurs époques; une riche palette d'émotions, de coups de foudre et de délices pour l'oeil... La facture de cette réédition est très habile, les reproductions de qualité... mais le format un brin petit pour que le bonheur soit complet. Un photographe à découvrir que ce singulier André Kertész... Un vrai conteur d'histoire!

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