samedi 17 octobre 2009

Cathy's Book: If found call (650) 266-8237

Par Sean Stewart, Running Press Kids, Cathy's 1

«If your name isn't Emma, put this book down, BACK OFF, nad nobody gets hurt! Emma - I know it all sounds crazy. You (and mom!) will be wondering where I've been disappearing to, and when I'll be back. That'S why I'm leaving you all this evidence - in case something happens and I DON'T come back. Look at everything in my book. Call the phone numbers. Check out the websites. But you can't tell ANYBODY about it, unless you want to end up in over your head, like me. So don't worry. I'll be OK (I think). Hey, maybe this is the beginning of a new life for me. For sure it's the end of the old one. Call me. Love, Cathy.»

Wow! Une histoire d'amour singulière (ceux qui aiment le rose bonbon, ce n'est pas tout à fait ça!), où le Temps devient élastique. Un voyage haletant de l'autre côté du miroir. La plume est chouette aussi (je pensais que ce langage full ado branché me dérangerait mais non) et j'adore les sympathiques gribouillages et indices semés à travers le roman. Vivement le deuxième tome!

Lili lui donne: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

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